• Eldna
    Äldre 11 Oct 21:21
    21715 visningar
    10 svar

    Tänk att få vakna (morning has broken)

    Morning has broken, like the first morning
    Blackbird has spoken, like the first bird
    Praise for the singing, praise for the morning
    Praise for the springing fresh from the word

    Sweet the rain's new fall, sunlit from heaven
    Like the first dewfall, on the first grass
    Praise for the sweetness of the wet garden
    Sprung in completeness where his feet pass

    Mine is the sunlight, mine is the morning
    Born of the one light, Eden saw play
    Praise with elation, praise every morning
    God's recreation of the new day

  • Eldna
    Äldre 11 Oct 21:21

    jaha... sorry... sak leta vidare...

  • Eldna
    Äldre 11 Oct 21:31

    Hmm.. hittade en sida med en man som säger att han skickar texter med mail från sin samling. Gratis. www.ferde.se/ gå in på Sångtexter så ser du at than har den texten och hans mail.

Svar på tråden Tänk att få vakna (morning has broken)