• Micke29

    Reported to Police


    Please I need your help. I just feel totally lost at the moment.
    Last Friday Ive got an sms from my Ex to say that my Son has said I have hit him and there is now a Polisanmälan against me.
    Of course I haven't hit the boy and would never harm my kids.
    I love them and care for them very much.

    We have 50/50 Custody of the kids ,and on Friday she would not give me my son or my daughter and just told me they are afraid of you.
    I know thats not true.

    My daughter has tried to make contact with me the weekend but her Mother has told me to stop trying to make contact with her.
    Its a terrible sad situation.
    Im getting no answers and can't see my children.

    Can she keep the kids like this even though we have 50% custody each?
    Can she keep my daughter from me even though she isn't involved in this?

    How long will this situation take before I can see my kids again?
    I just feel so sad and so does my Wife.

    Please help me .

    Thank you/ 
    I wrote in English but its ok if I get my answers in Swedish as I understand.
    Just more confident writing in English.

    Thanks again
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