• Stargi

    engelska 6

    jag önskar lite hjälp då jag läser engelska 6 på distans och kommit till uppdrag 2 love is in the air men förstår inte riktigt vad jag ska göra, förstår att jag ska skicka en ljudfil men inte vad den ska handla om?, det står så här i uppgiften; 
    Now it is time for you to do Uppdrag 2; Love Is in the Air! The Uppdrag is sent to your web teacher for assessment.

    There is no time limit to Uppdrag, which means that you can work with it for as long as you find necessary. You can also work with the Uppdrag, save your answers and come back on a later occasion to continue working with the Uppdrag. The Uppdrag should be sent in to your web teacher according to your study plan.

    However, once you have sent in the Uppdrag to your web teacher, you cannot make any changes.

    In the Uppdrag you should attach a soundfile. Make sure that your soundfile works properly and has been attached successfully before sending in the Uppdrag. There is more information about sound files on the support tab in Novo, choose Vanliga frågor.

    For some of the questions in the Uppdrag you might want to use different sources of information, such as websites, books, articles etc. That is very good, but make sure that you do not plagiarize original texts and also be careful to list your sources. You find more information about plagiarism and citation on pp 255-257 in Blueprint B.

    Let's get started! 

    hoppas på svar :) 
    tack på Förhand :)

    Mvh Gill 

  • Svar på tråden engelska 6
  • Anonym (en6-lärare)

    men det står inget om Vad det är för uppgift. Och varför står det Uppdrag hela tiden? Varför står det inte "task" som är ordet för uppdrag/uppgift på engelska? 

    Jag utgår från att ni läst ett avsnitt som heter Love is in the Air? (tycker jag känner igen det från en kursbok vi använt tidigare). Det står längst ner i det du kopierat, att det finns frågor, så de måste stå någon annanstans.

    du får väl maila ansvarig och fråga, du får bättre svar där än här! 

  • Anonym (en6-lärare)

    Ha, jag missade visst sista raden, tyckte väl jag kände igen det, Blueprint B, då är det väl frågorna i avsnittet? 

  • MammaKajsa

    Hej Gill

    Jag har också läst Engelska 6, och för att komma in i uppdraget måste du trycka på den gröna knappen där det står starta uppdraget.

    När du har gjort det ser du uppdragen (3 st) varav den tredje ska vara en ljudfil.

    Lycka till!

    (Bifogar frågorna från mitt uppdrag här nedan, men det var några månader sedan jag läste så dom kanske har ändrats?)


    No. 1: Writing

    Choose ONE of the following three writing assignments to the texts Meet Mark  and Meeting Mr Darcy in Blueprint.  Your text should be about 400 words. If you are using other sources than Blueprint, such as websites, books, articles etc., do not forget to list them at the end of your essay.

    ?  Meet Mark. The mothers in both Pride and Prejudice and Bridget Jones?s Diary very much want their daughters to be married, despite the fact that one book was written 200 years before the other. Why? Write one paragraph discussing this. Then write a second paragraph about whether parents today have the same concern to see their daughters married as the parents in the texts you have just read.

    ?  Meeting Mr Darcy. Discuss the status of women in late eighteenth-century/early nineteenth-century England as it is depicted in the excerpt from Pride and Prejudice, using examples from the text.

    ?  Meeting Mr Darcy. Write a one page diary entry such as you could imagine Mrs Bennet would have written after she returned from the ball (dreams, expectations, emotions, concerns etc.).


    No. 2: Reading - "The Right Chemistry"

    Read the article "The Right Chemistry" on pp 39-45 in Blueprint B. Having read the article, answer the following three questions in your own words:

    a) According to the article, what role did romance play in the early days of the human species?

    b) According to the article, why is it common for many relationships to end after four or seven years?

    c) According to the article, why do women tend to take longer before they fall in love?


    No. 3: Speaking - Informative Speech

    As a student of Eng 6 you need to develop strategies to search for relevant information in larger amounts of text, as well as strategies for source-critical approaches. You are also supposed to learn more about historical, political and cultural conditions in different parts of the world where English is used.  In this assignment  you get to work with all of that. 

    In Studieguide 1 you read about British history.  Your task now is to choose one of the keywords in the list (p 6 in the Realia-document)  and give a speech on the importance of that event or person in British history.

    This is the imagined speech situation:

    You give your presentation to a group of other students of English 6.
    Your task is to make them interested in this particular event or person.
    Your task is also to inform them about the importance of this event/person.

    In order to solve this task successfully you need to search for relevant information. You can use books, magazines, the Internet etc. 

    You must use at least two different sources. When looking for information it is important to be a critical reader. Can the sources that you are using be trusted? Who is behind it?

    All sources that you have used must be listed in the text editor. If using Internet-based sources, the exact web addresses should be listed. Also tell me what you did to make sure your sources are reliable - a few sentences in the text editor for each source is enough. 

    Remember that it is important to speak freely. You should not read from a full manuscript. A good way to prepare is to write down important keywords. Then practise speaking freely from your list of keywords. When you feel confident about speaking you record the soundfile. Your speech should be 2-3 minutes long.

    You also find valuable advice and recommendations on how to structure an informative speech on pp. 212-213 in Blueprint B.Make sure to read them through carefully. 

Svar på tråden engelska 6