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  • hummena

    Här delar vi med oss av våra "Förlossningsbrev"

    Här är mitt brev som jag skrev inför min hemmaförlossning.

    Mia and Dave's Birth Plan

    We are so happy and excited about the prospect of giving birth to our
    first child in the comfort of our home, and are extremely happy that
    you will be there with us to help. Below we have listed some of the
    wishes we have for the birth of our child. As this is the first time
    for us, we understand that things may not go as planned, or that we
    might feel differently about some of the things in our plan on the
    day, but for now these are the things we feel are important for us
    during the birth of our baby.

    First stage

    Mia has been practicing relaxation techniques using the hypnobirthing
    method, and will wish to try to apply this method to manage the
    contractions during the first stage of labour. For Mia to relax, it is
    important that there is quiet around her, and that any disturbances
    are kept to a minimum. During this stage, we would prefer if the
    attending midwife would remain in the background, taking observations
    to check on the baby's and Mia's safety. Dave will be close to Mia and
    help her through her labour.

    Mia would like to have a water birth, if possible, and would
    appreciate your support in encouraging her to give birth underwater.

    Please do not offer to break Mia's waters.

    Second stage

    In the event Mia feels the need to push, but is uncertain if she is
    fully dialated, she would like you to perform an internal examination
    to ensure that she is not pushing against a cervical lip. If she is
    not yet fully dialated, please do not attempt to speed things up or
    move things along using your fingers without clearing this with Mia first.

    Mia will not be using traditional pushing techniques, but will instead
    attempt to breathe her baby down using the birth breathing techniques
    taught in hypnobirthing. If however, she should feel at the time that
    this is not working as she should, and requests guidance, please do
    provide this for her.

    Dave does not want to see the baby crowning. Please do not encourage
    him to look.
    Mia would (of course and if possible) like to avoid perineal damage
    and will do her best to give birth gently to accomplish this. In the
    event that you notice her involuntarily pushing too hard, or too fast,
    she would like your help to coach her to slow down and to remain calm.

    Mia would rather tear naturally than have an episiotomy. Please only
    administer an episiotomy if there is a true, pressing need for the
    baby to be born quickly.

    Arrival of the baby

    Please do not announce the baby's sex as we would like to find out for

    Please do not suction mucus from our baby's nose and mouth unless it
    is necessary to do so.

    Mia would like to try breastfeed our baby as soon as possible after
    the birth, and would like to keep the baby unclothed and close to her
    skin immediately after birth, to maximise skin-to-skin contact.

    Third stage, placenta delivery

    We would like a physiological third stage with the cord clamped and
    cut when it stops pulsating. Please offer Dave the opportunity to cut
    the cord if possible. We want to allow the placenta to turn up in its
    own time. Please do not administer any drugs unless you feel there is
    a real need to do so. 

    I would appreciate your advice to help me deliver the placenta
    naturally. Please do not pull on the cord or use fundal pressure
    unless there is a specific indication to do so, as I have read that
    this is contra-indicated in drug-free third stages.

    We do not wish to keep the placenta.


    Please do not administer Vitamin K after the birth. If the birth is
    traumatic for the baby or there is some other risk factor for HDN, we
    will be happy to discuss this with the midwife and allow vitamin K if
    we both decide it is appropriate.

    Hospital transfer

    In the case that we need to transfer to the hospital, we would like
    you to remain with us for the remainder of the birth. We like to avoid
    a cesaerean section at all cost, so please help us ensure that this is
    only carried out in the event that there are no other options left to

    In the case of a cesaerean, I want Dave to be allowed in the operating
    theater with me. He will not want to look as they pull the baby out of
    me. As soon as possible after the baby is delivered, I want the baby
    to be placed on my chest for skin-to-skin contact and bonding. If the
    baby needs to leave the room for any critical check-ups or procedures,
    we would like Dave to be able to accompany the baby at all
    times. Please do not admit our baby to special care simply for
    observation, but only if there is a specific reason for concern.

    If I suffer a severe post-partum haemorrhage, please do not perform a
    hysterectomy unless it is the only available course of action.

    Please do not give our baby supplements of glucose water or formula
    milk without our permission. We would expressly like to avoid having
    any formula supplements unless it is unavoidable, and certainly not in
    the first two days in any event.

    Under no circumstances is our baby to be bottle-fed as this could lead
    to nipple confusion and hinder breastfeeding. If supplements are
    necessary, please give them by spoon or other method, not by bottle.

    Thank you.

  • hummena
    m0desty skrev 2012-06-01 12:56:24 följande:
    Är det inte bättre att försöka hålla sig till något kortare i punktform? Jag vill att personalen ska kunna kasta ett snabbt öga på mitt papper och snabbt se den viktigaste informationen. Det finns inte en chans att någon läser och kommer ihåg en lång uppsats. Barnmorskorna har normalt 2-3 förlossningar i olika stadier parallellt och vid toppar ännu fler.

    Istället för att skriva

    "Vi vill ha sen avnavling, 3 minuter efter att barnet är ute,då vi anser att detta är det bästa för barnet. Jag väntar gärna några extra minuter med att få barnet på bröstet för att.... Under tiden vill vi att barnet hålls lågt så att moderkaka och navelsträng töms på blod."

    så tänker jag skriva

    Sen avnavling
    Budskapet går nog fram och om inte alla detaljer blir perfekta så blir i alla fall huvuddragen rätt.
    Det tror jag definitivt att du har rätt i, men det beror ju lite på hur och var man föder också. Mitt brev är långt och detaljrikt eftersom jag redan innan jag födde visste vem min barnmorska skulle vara, så vi hade tid att gå igenom mitt brev långt innan jag födde. Om man däremot föder på sjukhus är det nog bra att hålla det kort och koncist, som du säger.
Svar på tråden Här delar vi med oss av våra "Förlossningsbrev"