• Svar på tråden Har feminismen
  • Jan Holmström

    Absolut INTE! Har lust att skälla ut dig fullständigt men bestämmer mig för att vänta tills du motiverat varför du ens skapat den här tråden.


  • Fagerlund
    Tik Tak skrev 2013-03-21 18:37:06 följande:
    Feminiserat den svenska mannen.
    Nej. Feminismen kommer inte att kunna påverka medfödda, biologiska könsroller varken hos män eller kvinnor.

  • grind

    Ser positiva tendenser bland dagens ungdomar som jag upplever som mer matcho än föregående generation. Antagligen har feminismen i detta fall fått motsatt effekt och killarna blir mer macho för att skydda sin särart som de finner hotad och påhoppad.

  • Tik Tak

    Det är ju det som är likhetsfeminismens mål att göra män feminina och kvinnor maskulina trots uppenbara biolgiska och psykologiska  skilnader mellan män och kvinnor och likhetsfemsimen dominerar i dag det svenska samhället och det verkar som likhetsfeminismen nått sitt mål.


  • SannaM
    Fagerlund skrev 2013-03-22 17:30:43 följande:
    Nej. Feminismen kommer inte att kunna påverka medfödda, biologiska könsroller varken hos män eller kvinnor.

    Det har den ju redan gjort, t.ex. har män/pappor fått möjligheten att vara föräldralediga, kvinnor har fått rösträtt, rätt att göra abort och har numera även möjlighet att göra karriär utanför hemmet. Bland annat.

    När yttre omständigheter förändras, förändras även könsrollerna, det går inte att komma ifrån. 
    minasannaord.wordpress.com // lärare ~ normkritiker ~ lesbisk svenssonmamma
  • Fagerlund
    SannaM skrev 2013-03-26 19:50:25 följande:
    Det har den ju redan gjort, t.ex. har män/pappor fått möjligheten att vara föräldralediga, kvinnor har fått rösträtt, rätt att göra abort och har numera även möjlighet att göra karriär utanför hemmet. Bland annat.

    När yttre omständigheter förändras, förändras även könsrollerna, det går inte att komma ifrån. 

    Nu förväxlar du legala möjligheter med biologiska könsroller.
  • SannaM
    Fagerlund skrev 2013-03-26 19:59:07 följande:

    Nu förväxlar du legala möjligheter med biologiska könsroller.
    Oh nej, det är du som har missförstått vad som är biologi och vad som är sociala könsroller.

    Förr i tiden, innan kvinnan fick rösträtt till exempel, ansåg man att kvinnor rent biologiskt inte klarade av ett sådant samhällsansvar, och innan män började vara föräldralediga ansåg många att män rent biologiskt inte hade förmågan att ta hand om småbarn. Men, så förändras uppfattningen, man inser att nähe, intelligens eller möjlighet att ta samhällsansvar hade inte med biologi att göra = kvinnor får också tycka till i samhället och jo minsann, män kan också vara omhändertagande och vara lika viktiga som mammor i barnens liv = pappor börjar vara föräldralediga.

    Könsrollerna förändras, och det som tidigare ansågs vara biologi visade sig vara socialt betingat i dessa fall.

    Vad exakt menar DU är biologiska könsroller som ingen någonsin kan ändra på? Alltså, vilka personlighetsdrag är så fundamentalt "manliga" att ALLA män har dessa personlighetsdrag, utan undantag? Och samma gällande kvinnan?
    minasannaord.wordpress.com // lärare ~ normkritiker ~ lesbisk svenssonmamma
  • Fagerlund
    SannaM skrev 2013-03-27 21:16:54 följande:
    Oh nej, det är du som har missförstått vad som är biologi och vad som är sociala könsroller.

    Förr i tiden, innan kvinnan fick rösträtt till exempel, ansåg man att kvinnor rent biologiskt inte klarade av ett sådant samhällsansvar, och innan män började vara föräldralediga ansåg många att män rent biologiskt inte hade förmågan att ta hand om småbarn. Men, så förändras uppfattningen, man inser att nähe, intelligens eller möjlighet att ta samhällsansvar hade inte med biologi att göra = kvinnor får också tycka till i samhället och jo minsann, män kan också vara omhändertagande och vara lika viktiga som mammor i barnens liv = pappor börjar vara föräldralediga.

    Könsrollerna förändras, och det som tidigare ansågs vara biologi visade sig vara socialt betingat i dessa fall.

    Vad exakt menar DU är biologiska könsroller som ingen någonsin kan ändra på? Alltså, vilka personlighetsdrag är så fundamentalt "manliga" att ALLA män har dessa personlighetsdrag, utan undantag? Och samma gällande kvinnan?
    Det är klar att det biologiska könsroller inte gäller varje individ utan undantag. Jag menar dom biologiska skillnaderna mellan hjärnorna på män och kvinnor som kan konstateras vid mätningar och röntgen.
  • YesImabeliever

    Min uppfattning om feminism är som i den här länken:


    The Dangers Of Feminism

    By David J. Stewart

           Feminism is a deadly evil, responsible for most abortions, divorces and lesbianism. This is true especially in American culture because of all the demonic influence in Hollywood movies and worldly music today. Feminism is so prevalent that many churches and Christian families have been infiltrated with this destructive menace—virtually undetected. 

    Feminism is very deceitful and subtle. The serpent (Satan, Revelation 20:2) came to Eve in the Garden of Eden, offering her liberation; but in reality, Eve became enslaved to sin and ruined her entire family. Oh, how Satan always pays with counterfeit money! Sin always takes you further than you wanted to go, keeps your longer than you planned to stay, and costs you more than you intended to pay.

    Feminists seek equality with authority, just as Lucifer, who said in Isaiah 14:14: “I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I WILL BE LIKE THE MOST HIGH.” Feminists want equality of authority like Lucifer. It is evil. The Bible teaches that a husband is to “rule over” his wife (Genesis 3:16), and women are to “be in silence” publicly in the presence of men as evidence of their obedience to their husband (1st Timothy 2:12). This is the “meek and quiet spirit” that 1st Peter 3:4 teaches for Christian women to have.

    Communist Roots of the Feminist Movement

    We are living in perilous, as foretold in 2nd Timothy 3:1-5 (note: All Scriptures refer only to the inspired and trustworthy King James Bible), when Christians are divorcing at the same rate as the unsaved. This is a direct result of feminism, which has trained women to be intolerant of a less than perfect husband. Communism is the mother of feminism, abortion, birth control, children’s rights, immoral rights, and the homosexual movement...

    In a recent book, Red Feminism: American Communism and the Making of Women's Liberation, (2002) feminist historian Kate Weigand states: "ideas, activists and traditions that emanated from the Communist movement of the forties and fifties continued to shape the direction of the new women's movement of the 1960s and later."

    In fact, Weigand, a lecturer at Smith College, shows that modern feminism is a direct outgrowth of American Communism. There is nothing that feminists said or did in the 1960's-1980's that wasn't prefigured in the CPUSA of the 1940's and 1950's. Many second-wave feminist leaders were "red diaper babies," the children of Communists.

    Communists pioneered the political and cultural analysis of woman's oppression. They originated women's studies, and advocated public daycare, birth control, abortion and even children's rights. They forged key feminist concepts such as "the personal is the political" and techniques such as "consciousness raising." …

    In conclusion, the feminist pursuit of "equal rights" is a mask for an invidious Communist agenda. The Communist MO has always been deception, infiltration and subversion. The goal is the destruction of western civilization and creation of a new world order run by monopoly capital.

    SOURCE: Henry Makow, Ph. D. (http://www.savethemales.ca/000180.html)

    The average Christian today is completely ignorant concerning these evils. It is my heart’s desire to wake up as many people as possible to the evil conspiracies at work in society to destroy courtship, marriage, and family. 

    Most people are woefully ignorant of Communist philosophy and goals. Sadly, America today has become Karl Marx's dream come true. The 5th plank of Karl Marx’s Communist manifesto called for a Federal Reserve System. The 10th plank called for a public school system. The social engineer's of today's American society were all Communists. The public school system was born out of an antichrist, antifamily, and anti-country mentality. Here's a couple quotes from the Godless social engineer, G. Brock Chisholm:

    “To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family tradition, national patriotism, and religious dogmas.”

    “The re-interpretation and eventually eradication of the concept of right and wrong which has been the basis of child training, the substitution of intelligent and rational thinking for faith in the certainties of the old people, these are the belated objectives of practically all effective psychotherapy.”

    George Brock Chisholm

    America today is Karl Marx’s dream come true; yet we American’s still foolishly believe we are guaranteed perpetual freedom. I tell you, our freedoms are being diminished rapidly. The noose has been placed around our neck as a nation and is being ever so gently tightened, and one of these days we will find our selves hanging. As of 2011, TSA airport security are sticking their hands down passenger's pants and blouses,
    #%21"> touching their genitals

    The police state is being formed right under our noses in the name of “national security.” In case you haven’t figured it out yet, “terrorists” are anyone who resists the government. Thomas Jefferson warned us about such tyranny, stating: Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God. Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego resisted wicked king Nebuchadnezzar and were thrown into a fiery furnace (Daniel 3:18). They resisted tyranny, choosing rather to obey God than man.

    Christians are already being labeled as “homophobes” and “hate-mongers” for preaching against homosexuality in public. Singer Elton John has called Bible-preaching Christians, “hateful lemmings,” and has stated that he will go to prison if necessary to defend gay rights. Gay-marriages will soon be granted by federal law. Christ-honoring Christians will eventually be arrested, convicted, and imprisoned for “terrorizing” homosexuals. Homosexuality is a sin (Leviticus 20:13; Romans 1:24-32). The TRUTH is the TRUTH even if no one believes it; and a LIE is a LIE even if everyone believes it.

    God is Still for Big Families!

    It is a shame that so many people have stopped having big families because of the anti-family agendas at work in society today. From birth control to abortion, families are getting smaller and smaller. God is still for big families today. Jesus said in Luke 12:30 that the unsaved world worries about food and future provisions. As believers we ought to trust God.

    The notion that parents shouldn't have more than 2 children for economic reasons is sinful. It doesn't cost that much to have a child. God will provide. Time magazine reported that economic recession in the U.S. has resulted in smaller families. That's their intended plan. That's why they have bankrupt our economy. It's all by design. There is plenty of food in the world. The problem is greedy and evil people who horde.

    Multi-billionaire, Ted Turner wants to make the U.S. like China, having a one-child policy. They started out in China by applying a tax to parents who had more than one child; but then the government changed it to a crime punishable by forced abortion, forced sterilization, and a hefty fine. This is heathendom!

    The Godly Woman Verses the Feminist

    So where does feminism fit into all of this? Several books could be written concerning the evils and destructive forces inherent to feminism. Feminism is anti-God, anti-marriage, and anti-family. What is feminism? Let’s start with what feminism isn’t. It is NOT women’s rights, as many have been deliberately misled to believe. God created man and woman equal in dignity, worth, and human rights. 

    However, God did NOT create man and woman equal in authority. God clearly mandated that the husband would rule over his wife (Genesis 3:16, “…and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee). This is the dividing line, the great barrier that separates God-fearing women from the feminist movement. In a word—AUTHORITY. The godly wife obeys her husband. No husband is perfect, and the godly woman understands this. She loves her husband, and is patient with him. She wills no evil towards him, and does her best to help him with his life’s work (keeping the house in order while he’s at work). She is his “help meet” (Genesis 2:18). 

    In sharp contrast, society today has become corrupted by government Communist programs designed to place women into the workplace, abort their children, and eliminate the role of homemaker. Career women are failures in God's eyes (1st Timothy 5:14-15). Just because a women has been taught since childhood that a career is the way to go, doesn't make it God's will for her life. The Bible teaches in 1st Timothy 5:14 that a woman's place is in the home, raising her children and keeping home. Verse 15 plainly states that career women have turned aside after Satan. Don't get mad at me, get mad at God, because He said it in the Bible. You cannot please yourself and pursue a career; while being the mother that God intended for you to be. Childcare centers don't care! Mothers belong at home.

    Freezing Eggs to Pursue a Career is Insane!

    It's gotten so crazy in American society that young women are having their eggs frozen so they can have fun and have children 15 or 20 years down the road (when their body is unable to reproduce naturally). That's just insanity! Oh how the Devil is a beautiful liar! Young women are so pressured to enter the workplace and pursue a career, yet they still want motherhood SOMEDAY. Someday may never come my friend (Proverb 27:1).

    Feminism Has Women Freezing Eggs (endlessly searching for the non-existent Mr. Right). Women go from one relationship to another, living a lifestyle of fornication, looking for the perfect man. They all want a knight in shining armor, but in reality the armor eventually rusts ladies. Every woman wants a cowboy to ride off into the sunset with, but cowboys eventually become cowmen. Every woman wants to find prince charming, but as Mark Twain said, “familiarity breeds contempt,” and your prince won't always seem so charming once you realize he has faults. Feminism teaches women to be intolerant of their less than perfect husband; but a godly wife will stand by her man no matter what!

    The practice of freezing eggs is very disturbing. Listen to some of the demonic and ridiculous attitudes that feminism has instilled in women today...

    “I’m 33, but I don’t feel like I’m in a rush,” she says. “When someone says you don’t have many years left, it’s like, I’m me! I’m having a great time! I love my life, I don’t feel like that”—marriage, kids—“is where I’m supposed to be right now.” She’s thinking of doing another round of freezing. But while she’s in a relationship, and he might be “the one,” she’s not going to make the same mistake twice. This time she’s going to freeze eggs instead of embryos.

    SOURCE: Is Egg Freezing the Next Big Thing for New York Career Women Facing Infertility?

    Another woman foolishly says...

    “I could forget the whole thing”—kids, love—“and just be a high-powered exec. But for what? I’d like to have my own child,” says Sofia, also 37 and another patient of Noyes’s. Sofia is in sales at a Fortune 500 company, owns real estate, and has plenty of purchasing power (she calls the freezing fee “a year’s cost” in handbags, shoes, and hair). “My life is pretty good,” she says. “What’s the next thing to do? Replicate yourself. Have mini-me’s.”

    She doesn’t want to do it alone; she wants to have children with a man she loves. “To me, the joy will not be 100 percent if I’m not with someone.”

    SOURCE: Is Egg Freezing the Next Big Thing for New York Career Women Facing Infertility?

    What said testimonies! Sofia is already 37-years old with no children because she chose to pursue a career instead, now an executive in a top fortune 500 company. Big deal, so what? Motherhood is worth more than all the money in the world! I just don't understand it. Oh how the Devil blinds women from reality. God never created a woman to surrender her life to a career and forfeit motherhood until she's in her 50's.

    Sadly, I doubt if Sofia will ever have any children, because her attitude is that she can “forget the whole thing”  (i.e., motherhood). What a sorry attitude. I wouldn't want to be your child woman. If you can forget the whole thing, then you shouldn't be a mother, because that what abortionists do... they forget the whole THING! That's all a child is to them... a “thing.” But Jeremiah 1:5 teaches that God FORMED Jeremiah in his mother's womb. A child is a gift from God almighty. Psalm 127:3, “Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.”

    Don't be a fool woman... be a mother and homemaker now! One of the biggest excuses that Planned Parenthood uses to talk young girls into murdering their babies is that they're not READY to be a mother. Who is ever ready? Look, abortion doesn't make a woman unpregnant, it just leaves a mother with a dead baby! Feminism has young women either terminating their pregnancies, or freezing their eggs for children they plan to have decades down the road. It's just not the same as normal motherhood. I promise you at the end of your life that you won't rejoice over all the money you made. You will regret having an abortion. You will regret not having children when you were naturally able to do so. The idea of a 50-year old woman giving birth by having her frozen eggs from decades ago put back into her is INSANE!!!

    Morality Cannot Be Legislated

    The Devil has turned people into nuts. We live in a whacko society. Only in America does a pizza arrive at your front door faster than an ambulance. The same Americans who support banning the Bible in America's schools, act bewildered when their neighbors commit unthinkable crimes. Then they want more laws passed. We have more laws in America than any nation on earth; yet we still have massive crime in our cities, big and small. You cannot legislate morality! As each generation becomes increasingly immoral, lacking any moral compass without the Bible, they are committing more crimes. Consequently, their neighbors cry out for more legislation, which gives elite tyrants more and more control over every facet of our lives. It's a domino effect that can only lead to a totalitarian Police State!

    The American people want a Godless society without God's Law; yet they also want to live in a nice place surrounded by nice people. You can't have it both ways. A Godless society that forsakes God's Law is an immoral society of heathens!

    Never before have so many women chosen a career over being a homemaker and mother. The tool of “political correctness” has been used extensively to place women into men’s roles, for no reason other than to avoid discrimination lawsuits. Companies today operate in fear because of feminist-driven LAWS made by Communist GOVERNMENT agencies.

    Women and lesbians are being placed into the highest levels of government and corporate offices, and most are what I term “she-men.” They are she-devils. There are few things worse in my opinion than a woman who takes on the disposition of an authoritative man. A woman in a business suit caring a briefcase is a sad sight to see. Hollywood commonly portrays women in AUTHORITATIVE roles, which goes totally contrary to the Word of God.

    As a result of women performing men’s jobs, the Biblical husband is facing increased hardships against a radically feminist-controlled government system, especially in the courts. Feminism is rebellion against the Word of God. God equates rebellion with the sin of witchcraft (1st Samuel 15:23). Feminism is impatient, intolerant, and seeks immediate divorce from a husband who is less than perfect. Feminism is demonic propaganda designed and intended to ruin your marriage, kill your baby, and destroy your family. That's what feminists do, that's all they do!

    Divorce is Always a Sin!

    Feminism shows no mercy towards a faulty husband, and results in unforgiving self-righteous divorce. All divorce is a sin. There are NO Biblical grounds for divorce. The biggest lie in churches today is that divorce is permissible in cases of adultery. If that were true, then what about all the other sins one's spouse can commit... murder, theft, extortion, lust? Jesus taught in Matthew 5:28 that lust is the same as adultery. If you believe that lust is a sin, then every wife of a husband who lusts has grounds for divorce. Clearly, Jesus did not intend for anyone to divorce, which He makes very clear in Matthew 19:8. Divorce is always a sin.

    In Matthew 19:9 Jesus simply taught that if a man's wife divorces him, then he is the victim, and not committing adultery by remarriage. She filed. It was her self-righteousness that dragged the husband into court. By comparing Scripture with Scripture, it is plain that divorce is never permissible. The person who files for divorce is sinning, and has no Biblical grounds for remarriage (to do so is the horrible sin of adultery, Matthew 5:32). The Apostle Paul is careful in 1st Corinthians 7:10 to use the word “depart,” concerning the wife who leaves her husband; but Paul does NOT mention putting away (divorce). The wife who departs is clearly commanded not to shack up nor remarry.

    Divorce is one’s unwillingness to forgive their spouse! No wife would ever divorce her husband if she truly loved him—not one! I don’t care if he beats her, she won’t divorce him (leave, yes; divorce, no). Say what you will, I don’t recall any disclaimer in the wedding vows for spousal abuse which would permit a divorce. And by the way, there are NO Scriptural grounds for divorce.

    Society Has Gone Insane

    Women today have been brainwashed by domestic violence literature to seek divorce at the first sign of abuse. I was recently reading a pamphlet from an organization called VARO (Victim’s Advocates Reaching Out). There are thousands of such non-prophet anti-violence and abuse organizations all across America. I couldn’t believe what the VARO pamphlet said inside. There was a listing of “signs of abuse,” with questions, and then at the bottom they requested for the reader to seek help at once if they answered” yes” to any of the questions. One of the questions was, “Is your spouse tracking your time?” 

    Another asked, “Does your spouse ever make any belittling comments to you in front of others?,” “Are you often criticized for little things?” Another question asked, “Has your spouse ever tried to prevent you from contacting friends or family?” One of the questions asked “Has your husband ever forced you to have sex against your will?” The implications are clearly against an authoritative husband who decides where, when, what, who, and why concerning his wife’s life, activates, and friends. 

    "Who’s teaching the women? We know that many socially conservative organizations are now teaching men to be good fathers. Think about it. Women are learning about issues of marriage and dealing with husbands through Women’s Studies courses (feminist and humanist propaganda), local “battered women’s shelters” (which disseminate more of the same in each community) and many other kinds of organizations that teach women to be independent—independent from husbands. Women are also taught by such organizations to know the incentives to divorce (propaganda and tactics that make divorce an easy lifestyle option for them). Most conservative organizations have been recipients of some of the same liberal, anti-family propaganda—many without knowing it." -Men's News Daily

    You probably won’t like this; but a husband has a God-given RIGHT to decide who his wife associates with, where she goes, when she goes there, when she has sex with him, how she dresses, et cetera. Now a loving husband will be fair, and desire for his wife to have a happy life; but the husband should have veto power in a marriage. I believe a husband who loves his wife will want to let her do what makes her happy most of the time. However, in those few decisions where the husband and wife disagree, the wife is commanded by God in the Bible to submit to her husband (Colossians 3:18). I am not advocating domestic violence; but a husband who tracks his wife's time, whereabouts, and associations is NOT being abusive--he is RULING over his wife as God expects him to.

    Rebellious Feminists Divorce their Husbands

    It is because of idiots, like the people running VARO, that so many women are filing for divorce. Notice in Genesis 3:16 that God said, “…and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.” Eve didn’t have VARO, a feminist court system, blood-sucking lawyers, feminist friends, meddling parents, heathen judges, Godless laws, shelters to run to, visitation houses, etc. 

    If Eve didn’t obey her husband, she was tough out of luck. Today, a woman living in America can CRUCIFY her husband if he tries to control her, which is his Biblical right. Feminism forbids a husband from controlling his wife in any manner; but God says the husband should have total control. 

    Please understand that I am NOT advocating domestic violence, nor abuse in any way. I am saying that feminists have deliberately redefined “abuse” to indict the Biblical husband for exercising his God-given right. The feminists consider an authoritative husband “abusive.” If a husband feels that his mother-in-law is trying to meddle in his marriage, and he tells his wife to distance herself from her mother for a while, then the wife should comply. If a husband criticizes his wife for not cleaning the house, on a regular basis, feminism calls him “abusive.” In reality, a husband who goes to work, while his wife sits home, has every RIGHT to expect a clean house when he returns. 

    Feminism is a direct attack on the authoritative husband--the Biblical husband. A godly man is NOT hen-pecked, he stands his ground; but in love and patience towards his wife. Feminism refuses to allow a husband to rule over his wife as God commanded.

    Society today is becoming increasingly hostile towards anyone who stands for God, Biblical truth, and genuine justice.  Christians are increasingly being persecuted for exercising their Bill of Rights. Godly husbands, who control their wives (as 1st Timothy 3:4 states, “One that ruleth well his own house…”) are being labeled as “abusive.” A husband is to RULE his wife and children. Feminism calls that abuse. Clearly, feminism and the Word of God are DIAMETRICALLY opposed to each other. The Devil is working relentlessly to corrupt America with immorality, divorce, and pornography. Feminism is the fueling factor behind the lesbian movement in America. Feminism’s dead-end is lesbianism!  As I mentioned earlier, Communism is behind feminism…

    In her article The Planned Destruction of the Family, Erin Pizzey touches on the fact that the rhetoric and tactics of radical feminists are firmly rooted in communist ideological traditions (including terrorism - that includes terrorist bombings). In my mind the tactics and strategies of the radical feminists differ little from those used by the Nazis in the twenties and the early thirties to squelch their political opponents in their quest for power. 

    However, Erin Pizzey also described that posters of Mao and Guevera were featured prominently in the living rooms of the middle-class, white, radical feminists who eventually usurped her Chiswick women's refuge and that these women liberally used communist phraseology in their rhetoric, even to the extent that they distributed copies of "The Little Red Book." –Fathers for Life

    Feminism isn’t just a seemingly harmless word that male-chauvinists toss around; it is a war against the God-fearing husband who tries to rule his family. Feminism is rebellion!

    Feminist “Christian” Wives

    It is tragic! I’ve never seen so many professed “Christian” women leaving their husbands, and filing for divorce. This is why I said earlier that feminism has subtly crept into many Christian homes in America. The Godless court system in America has made it extremely easy for women to divorce their husbands, and take him to the cleaners financially.  Women are provided with a free public lawyer, simply by claiming spousal abuse. The husband has no choice but to go into debt for $20,000 to hire an attorney (and most husbands still lose). 

    The wife is provided free housing, food, transportation, and plenty of destructive heathen advice at any one of thousands of shelters across America. Where is a husband to go when his wife disobeys him and refuses to be a wife and a mother?  The wife is automatically viewed and treated as the victim in a marriage dispute, while the husband is usually demonized by the entire system. Women are often provided free education, an apartment, welfare, et cetera—everything she needs to abandon her husband and move on into the dream world of feminism. 

    Please don’t misunderstand what I am saying; I’m not against helping a legitimately battered woman getting on her feet.  However, many of the women claiming spousal abusive are shiftless, lazy, irresponsible, cut-throat women who simply exploit the system to leave their husband. They’re looking for an easy way out. The system is often a “way out” for careless and irresponsible women who leave their husbands holding the bag--the job, the mortgage, the kids, the problems, the debts, etc. Divorce is a horrible sin! 

    I’ve known several women who just got tired and used “the system” to escape their problematic marriage. But the husband cannot do that, as he has nowhere to go—except back to work for another stressful day at the job. Feminism has provided wives and mothers with a way to escape responsibility, and hurt their husband legally. I’m so tired of hearing about “deadbeats” dads. Do you know why there are hardly any deadbeat mothers? It’s because the court system goes after the breadwinner—the father. Did you ever stop to think that many of those fathers who refuse to pay child-support are doing so in PROTEST—against an evil system that is trying to FORCE him to provide for his children ... while his wife shacks up with another man in adultery? 

    It’s a matter of principal and a man’s dignity. If a man’s wife is rebellious against him, and she tries to hurt him further with the courts, it is not surprising to me that such men would refuse to cooperate with a Godless court order. In America, a woman is not expected to obey her husband. So when a man thinks he is marrying a “Christian” woman who will obey him, and 10 years down the road she drags him into a heathen court system for a divorce, he is up a creek without a paddle. It is a frightening thing for a man to marry a woman in America nowadays.

     The American court system is Godless, allowing wives to rebel against their husbands, and then expecting the husband to comply with court orders made by Godless judges in a rigged system. Should this be surprising in a court system that allows the murdering of millions of children through abortions? I think not. How about a system that breaks a man’s door down, places a gun to his head, arrests him, confiscate his property, imprisons him—all because he had some plants (Marijuana) in his home; but that same system allows it’s militarized thugs to get plastered on Jack Daniels legally? What hypocrites! This is the American court system. 

    In one East Coast court room, a convicted child-molester is sentenced to probation; yet in another courtroom across the country on the West Coast, a man is sentenced to 50 years in prison (in California) for stealing some video tapes of Snow White and Free Willy. While Wall Street bankers steal $23,700,000,000 from American citizens, a mother in Kansas gets life in prison for possessing $40 worth of cocaine. Feminism is flourishing in this corrupted, unjust, and Godless court system, and husbands are getting pulverized in court. There's nothing fair about America's corrupt courts.

    Christian wives in America are in a unique situation where they can either obey their husbands, or jump on the feminist bandwagon and crucify their husbands in court. In poorer parts of the world today, wives are far more reluctant to divorce or drag their husbands into court—because they’ll starve without the breadwinner.

    Thus, women are forced into submission for economic reasons. This is far closer to being right than the rebellious evil divorce system in America. The feminism which has infested America’s homes is destructive. Although some statistical groups have challenged the 50% divorce rate, the actual divorce rate is no less than 41-43%. In California the divorce rate is now over 75%. Is it really worth arguing whether the divorce rate is 38% or 52%? There is NO argument that at least one-third of all divorces now end in divorce (or three-fourths in California). That is tragic!

    Furthermore, what all of these organizations who contest the 50% divorce rate FAIL to consider, is the fact that more people are choosing to shack-up together nowadays than get married at all. From a moral standpoint, this is disgraceful of America as a nation. It requires more than just a casual willingness, on the part of Christian wives, to obey their husbands nowadays. It requires the commitment of a martyr! I will die before I divorce!  Every Christian wife should vow to NEVER divorce her husband! She may need to leave for a while; but divorce is out of the question. 

    I know a born-again man whose “Christian” wife looked him in the eye, after 18 years of marriage, and said, “I don’t love you anymore.” He had never heard her say that before in all the years they were married. He said he cried uncontrollably in the back of their home. Less than 6-months later she abandoned him and the kids, and filed for divorce. He was devastated. Do you think this is acceptable to the Lord? Do you think God approves of a "Christian" wife filing for divorce? Wasn’t it God in Hebrews 13:5 who PROMISED that He would “never leave us, nor forsake us”? Yes, that is exactly what God has promised to every believer. If Jesus Christ is our Example, and He certainly should be, then we should honor the very same commitment to our spouse that God has given to us — I will NEVER leave you, nor forsake you … no matter what!!!

    Don't Allow Feminism to Kill, Steal, and Destroy Your Family

    Has feminism crept into your marriage? Are you continually threatening your husband with divorce? Are you thinking about it? Feminism is a POISON ladies—a poison of the mind. Feminism poisons a wife’s mind to believe that she is a victim who needs to be liberated. Women are more than twice as likely to file for divorce than men. MOST women today who divorce their husbands were NOT victims of anything, except their own worldliness, stubbornness, bad attitudes, selfishness, and sinful pride. 

    Every marriage has problems. Jesus was willing to become a victim for our sins. Jesus allowed Himself to be beaten, spit upon, mocked, scourged, and crucified. Why is it then that we are so quick to file for divorce? Instead of looking for greener pastures, try planting some of your own grass. Don’t allow feminism to rob you of your marriage. Don’t throw away your husband. You PROMISED “’til death do us part.”

    John 10:10, “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” —JESUS CHRIST

  • LunaLunatic

    Jag är inte intresserad av att läsa copypastat, så du Believer, kan du berätta varför din gud motsätter sig att kvinnor och män ska ha samma värde och rättigheter i samhället?

    Don't argue with idiots - they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience
  • YesImabeliever
    LunaLunatic skrev 2013-05-05 14:00:50 följande:
    Jag är inte intresserad av att läsa copypastat, så du Believer, kan du berätta varför din gud motsätter sig att kvinnor och män ska ha samma värde och rättigheter i samhället?
    Båda har samma värde.
  • LunaLunatic
    YesImabeliever skrev 2013-05-05 14:03:20 följande:
    Båda har samma värde.
    Du skrev i en annan tråd att feminismen är en skymf mot din gud, eller liknande. 
    Don't argue with idiots - they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience
  • YesImabeliever
    LunaLunatic skrev 2013-05-05 14:04:40 följande:
    Du skrev i en annan tråd att feminismen är en skymf mot din gud, eller liknande. 
    Du blandar ihop lika värde och rättigheter i samhället.
  • LunaLunatic
    YesImabeliever skrev 2013-05-05 14:12:05 följande:
    Du blandar ihop lika värde och rättigheter i samhället.
    Ah ok. de har samma värde men inte samma rättigheter.
    Varför ska män och kvinnor inte ha samma rättigheter? Vilka av kvinnors rättigheter ska inte män ha? Vilka av mäns rättigheter ska inte kvinnor ha? 
    Don't argue with idiots - they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience
  • YesImabeliever
    LunaLunatic skrev 2013-05-05 14:13:34 följande:
    Ah ok. de har samma värde men inte samma rättigheter.
    Varför ska män och kvinnor inte ha samma rättigheter? Vilka av kvinnors rättigheter ska inte män ha? Vilka av mäns rättigheter ska inte kvinnor ha? 
    Du ville ju inte läsa texten jag bifogade. Här är betydligt mindre text.



    FEMINISM verses Femininity


    "In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;" -1st Timothy 2:9

    A picture is truly worth a thousand words.  The photos above speak for themselves.  Feminism starts in the mind.  Many women feel ugly, so they don't even try to be feminine.  Other women have been ridiculed for trying to be feminine and are afraid of being labeled as a "square."  The motivation to dress and act feminine for a woman should radiate from a heart that loves God and wants to please God.  If we only live right because some religion told us to, then we will be miserable.  A woman should dress modestly to please God...

     "Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created." -Revelation 4:11

    We were all created to PLEASE GOD.  Most people strive only to please themselves...

    "Whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things." -Philippians 3:19

    A feminine woman is a blessing to her husband.  No man wants to be married to a Mack Truck.  Let me also add here that a woman doesn't necessarily have to be slim to be feminine.  Many big-boned women are feminine.  Femininity is a state of mind more than anything.  A feminine woman doesn't mind a man holding the door open for her, she welcomes it.  A feminine woman doesn't even try to lift something bulky or heavy, she asks a strong man to lift it.  A feminine woman makes a man feel like a real man because she requires his masculinity, strength, and courage.  A feminist on the other hand doesn't need anything from a man, she has the mental disposition of a man already.  She is a mental homosexual at a minimum.  She thinks like a man.  This is why so many women wears men's clothing and business suits...

    "The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God." -Deuteronomy 22:5

    Here's some wisdom from my pastor...

    You can name anything you want to name, but I am opposed to anything in the world that de-emphasizes the line of difference between the sexes.  I believe that ladies ought to be feminine and sweet and lovely and charming.  I believe men ought to be strong and masculine and decisive.  I’m opposed to anything that makes a man and a woman act alike, look alike, dress alike, or talk alike."

    -Pastor Jack Hyles (quote taken from Dr. Hyle's sermon, Unisex)

    If you'd like to learn more about being feminine, Click HERE.

    There is nothing demeaning about being feminine, it is the hallmark of being a lady.  May I say...any woman CAN be a lady.  It's mostly in your mind and heart.  The feminism movement has fueled everything from murderous abortions to godless homosexuality.  Feminism is rebellion against God.

    "You can name anything you want to name, but I am opposed to anything in the world that de-emphasizes the line of difference between the sexes.  I believe that ladies ought to be feminine and sweet and lovely and charming.  I believe men ought to be strong and masculine and decisive.  I’m opposed to anything that makes a man and a woman act alike, look alike, dress alike, or talk alike."

  • LunaLunatic

    Är du så hjärntvättat att du inte kan svara själv, med egna ord? Äger du inga egna ord längre?

    Don't argue with idiots - they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience
  • orre84

    Umgås man med andra killar så tycker jag att de flesta uttrycker sig mer eller mindre sexistisk då och då men så fort några kvinnor är med så är det precis som om de blir små änglar, ögontjänare!

    om detta räknas till det TS menar vet jag inte, bara en observation och något jag stör mig som fan på!

  • Klara92
    Sanningen kommer befria er alla, både kvinnor, män, svenskar och migranter.
    Sprid detta: 

    Många känner inte till feminismens ursprung och dess koppling till den neo-marxistiska härskartekniken. Nedan lite citat från ledande marxister gällande (radikal) feminism och hur marxisterna ville använda den för att skapa könskonflikter, krossa familjen och ta barnen till statens omvårdnad tidigast möjligt. Det är en illa dold sanning att Wall Street finansierade alla de kommunistiska regimerna i öst-Europa och Asien. Kommunism är egentligen super-kapitalism och är ett sätt att krossa alla nationers självständighet och överlåta dem och deras rikedomar till bankirerna. Allt det som kommunistiska länder införde i all hast via diktatur har vi nu i smyg infört under en 50-årsperiod. Dvs vi är på god väg mot en fullfjädrad diktatur utan att folket förstår det." Marcus Gullberg

    ?Anyone who knows anything of history knows that great social changes are impossible without feminine upheaval. Social progress can be measured exactly by the social position of the fair sex, the ugly ones included.?(Karl Marx)

    Det nedslående med modern svensk kultur är att MSM pratar så mycket om tex BNP, tillväxt, minoritetsgrupper, tolerans etc, men ingen pratar om våra barns katastrofala hälsoförsämringar trots(eller kanske tack vare?) ett materiellt överflöd. Skall vi inte diskutera våra egna barns psykiska och fysiska välbefinnande? Är inte barnen avgörande för landets framtid? Det föds mer än 100 000 svenska barn varje år och cirka 50% av alla äkta par skiljer sig medan ännu fler separerar i samboförhållanden. Tiotusentals svenska barn drabbas av denna familjetragedi varje år. Barnen är varje lands framtid och om man inte ger dom en bra uppväxt ? vad betyder det för landets framtid?

    Konfucius sa för 2500 år sedan:
    ?För att ordna upp världen måste vi först ordna nationen; för att ordna nationen måste vi första ordna upp familjen, för att ordna familjen måste vi först kultivera vårt privatliv; vi måste först rätta till våra hjärtan.?

    Thomas Jefferson var en vis man och USAs president 1801-1809. Han sade:

    ?The policy of the American government is to leave its citizens free, neither restraining them nor aiding them in their pursuits.? 

    Invasionen sker idag inte via vapenskrammel utan genom psykologisk krigföring via MSM och fokus på marxistisk hjärntvätt av barnen så att landet försvagas ytterligare i framtiden. Bezmenov delade upp omstörtningen av ett land i fyra steg:

    Kris med våldsamt maktövertagande

    Yuri Bezmenov avslöjade att demoralisering kan ske under 1-2 generationer(15-20 år räcker för att utbilda en generation i marxism) och sen kan de människorna aldrig mer skilja på rätt och fel.

    ?A person who was demoralized is unable to assess true information. The facts tell nothing to him, even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents and pictures. ?he will refuse to believe it?. That?s the tragedy of the situation of demoralization.?


    Dessa hjärntvättade människor kommer frivilligt att följa marxisterna till sin grav enligt Yuri Bezmenov. Destabilisering sker normalt med konkreta medel som ekonomi, utrikes relationer och militära system under 2-3 års tid. Krisen kan ta cirka sex veckor. Efter den marxistiska statskuppen normaliseras landet med hot om brutalt våld mot oppositionen.

  • K Kalle
    grind skrev 2013-03-23 06:43:11 följande:

    Ser positiva tendenser bland dagens ungdomar som jag upplever som mer matcho än föregående generation. Antagligen har feminismen i detta fall fått motsatt effekt och killarna blir mer macho för att skydda sin särart som de finner hotad och påhoppad.

    Eller också beror det på stor invandring från mer patriarkala länder.
Svar på tråden Har feminismen