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  • Covington

    Bokanalys engelska 6

    Hej har lite problem gällande book analys förstår inte riktigt vad mitt jobb är

    Ska jag läsa ut boken och välja ut specifika sidor och göra en tolkning, berätta om karaktärerna vad det handlar om?

    Behöver hjälp är lite förvirrad. Läser boken the woman who stole my life by Mariana Kayes

    think about which aspect of the novel that you would like to analyse further in your analysis ( a thesis statement)

  • Svar på tråden Bokanalys engelska 6
  • Covington

    You read the novel and find one aspect which you include in your literary analysis.


    Remember to start brainstorming aspects of analysis while reading. A tip - research about your novel, see what it is about to get a better reading of it. You can determine your thesis even before finishing the novel!

    Analyzing a novel might include - thesis ideas

    Avoid the obvious (in other words, it won?t argue a conclusion that most readers could reach on their own from a general knowledge of the story) - try to be original if possible

    -identifying a particular theme (like for e.g. the difficulty of making the transition from adolescence to adulthood)  and showing how the writer suggests that theme through the point of view from which the story is told;

    -or you might also explain how the main character?s attitude toward another character is revealed through his dialogue and/or actions.

    -you might analyze on specific character - do they represent a stereotype or symbol of any kind? Why do certain characters act the way they act? Does she have an ax to grind, a political ideology, religious belief, or psychological disorder?

    - or how are gender-roles depicted in a specific character? 

    - or if the environment (social-cultural aspects of the time) has a powerful influence on the individual? For e.g. look up when the story takes place, research on how it was back then and find how the author portrays society of that time. 

    - does the book address broader social issues? Does the author take a stance on, for example, anarchy versus capitalism? How is a particular culture or subculture portrayed?

    Your answer to any one of these questions could become your thesis statement.

    Notice that your thesis is a statement, not a question. It is the answer to your research question.


    Therefore, your essay must have a central idea (thesis), it must have several paragraphs that grow systematically out of the central idea, and everything in it must be directly related to the central idea and must contribute to the reader?s understanding of that central idea. These three principles are listed again below:

    Your essay must cover the topic you are writing about. 

    Your essay must have a central idea (stated in your thesis) that governs its development. 

    Your essay must be organized so that every part contributes something to the reader?s understanding of the central idea. 

    The thesis statement needs to be supported by textual evidence - that is examples from the novel. That?s why is it?s a good idea to take notes while reading.

    As with all the textual evidence you use, make sure you explain how the evidence is relevant?let the reader know why the quotes you cite are significant to your argument.

    Direct Quotations - Put ?quotation marks? around all briefly quoted material and the exact page number in parenthesis after the quotation marks

    As the "manager" of the A & P, Lengel is both the guardian and enforcer of "policy" (Author name, pp.487).

  • Covington

    Vill bara även tacka allihopa för att ni svarar, blir väldigt stressigt när jag inte har kontroll lite förvirrad vad jag ska göra, men börjar få lite bättre inblick

Svar på tråden Bokanalys engelska 6