Inlägg från: Anonym (fabulous) |Visa alla inlägg
  • Anonym (fabulous)

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    Tecum skrev 2020-07-22 15:51:02 följande:

    Utseende har väldigt liten betydelse för tjejers möjlighet att få en man. Jag tror istället att otrevliga kvinnor och osäkra män har svårast att få någon.

    Jag är en tämligen jobbig kvinna och har aldrig haft problem att få någon. När jag tröttnat på en man har jag bara tagit mig en ny, upptagen eller inte.

    Forskning från senaste 30 åren visar både då och nu att utseende hos kvinnor är viktigare för män än vice versa.

    En liten sammanfattning:

    A new international study has compiled the results of partner selection among heterosexuals with samples from 45 different countries and more than 14 000 people. The study has been published in a new article in Psychological Science.

    The results of the new study are more or less the same as psychologist David Buss found over 30 years ago.

    Buss laid the foundation for evolutionary psychology with his studies on gender differences in partner choice. The findings from the 1980s are still valid.

    "Evolutionary psychology's classic studies of gender differences in partner preferences have shown themselves to be robust over time and place," says Professor Leif Edward Ottesen Kennair at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology's (NTNU) Department of Psychology.

    In the 1980s, Buss surveyed 37 countries to find out which traits the different cultures found most attractive in a partner of the opposite sex.

    Buss found strong similarities between the sexes as well. "Friendliness" and "intelligence" were considered the most attractive qualities by both men and women.

    But in 36 of the 37 cultures, women believed that "good financial prospects" were more important than men did. Women also care more about a partner's intelligence and good health than men do.

    The priority of appearance was the opposite. In 34 of 37 cultures, men believed that "good looks" were more important than women believed them to be. Men therefore base their choice of partner on appearance to a greater extent, which may be because it is also biologically advantageous to have more attractive children.

  • Anonym (fabulous)
    Anonym (..) skrev 2020-07-22 16:10:13 följande:
    Ni kan säkert gå runt och tro att himlen är grön och jorden platt också men ni har inte ett ben att stå på rent faktamässigt.
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