• Gareth­909
    Äldre 26 Apr 11:53
    2100 visningar
    1 svar

    Pappa träff i Bromma, Stockholm


    Jag är en Engelsk Syd Afrikansk pappa, nyinflyttand i Minneberg (Bromma) och pappaledig. Jag vill träffa pappor i lokalen som är också pappaledig och talar både Svenska och lite Engelska!

    Sorry if this is really bad Swedish! I do speak a bit of the language, but I am out of practice...

    Vet någon om det finns pappaledig gruppor någonstans i Minneberg eller Alvik?



  • Svar på tråden Pappa träff i Bromma, Stockholm
  • Bev b
    Äldre 27 Apr 15:13

    g'day gareth,

    i'm a Kiwi, about to be a first time dad in 3 weeks... living in Blackeberg, north of Brommaplan... i'm not pappaledig but am keen to meet other blokes with kids in tow to share some stories, advice, 2.8% beer etc.

    i've been in Sweden three years now, but just found work in Stockholm 6 months ago so my wife (Swe) and I are in the throngs of moving up here (finalised this weekend)... we have a dog that takes up a bit f our time, and the obvious new addition is going to take even more, but while we have a bit of family around Stockholm we don't have too many friends... makes for a pretty thin bbq

    you can catch me here or find me as Bev Nicol in FB



Svar på tråden Pappa träff i Bromma, Stockholm