• leenus

    English speaking parents in Borås


    Me and my girlfriend are expecting delivery in january
    We're both native swedish, but Im planning to speak english (only) with our child (my gf will speak swedish as her english is not that great

    Would be nice  to meet other parents who speak english so the poor sucker gets to hear some real english as well

    So, any english speaking parents in the Borås area out there? Flavor (english, american, indian... whatever) is not important..
    (If you're not a parent or your children are of different age, thats fine too if you wanna go for coffee and speak english.. :)


  • Svar på tråden English speaking parents in Borås
  • leenus
    idoldrummer skrev 2011-10-18 09:00:45 följande:
    often wondered about if I would speak swedish or english first with the baby.

    You should definately speak your native language, so probably your girlfriend will speak swedish to the child and you english.
    One person should stick to one language when speaking to the child, and not mix. .However, you and your girlfriend can mix languages when you speak to each other if you wish.

    Since you live in Sweden, you do not need to worry that the child wont learn Swedish if you speak English to it or if yo uall speak English at home.
    However, if you all speak swedish to the child, it will not get the gift of a second langugae.

    Are you already expecting?

    good luck!

Svar på tråden English speaking parents in Borås