• MedlemFV

    Så himla rädd för att jag har syndat och kommer hamna i helvetet

    Jag vet inte om jag skulle egentligen kalla mig för att jag är religös. Men jag har tidigare varit det. Men vid tonåren försvann den. Men nu känner jag att den sakta, sakta börjar komma TILLBAKS.

    Jag har nämligen pekat en hammare för två personer. För att sedan utför en handling som att förstöra en föremål som jag byggt. Detta gjorde jag endast för att visa att jag mådde dåligt. Man kanske också skulle kunna kalla det för - "rop-på-hjälp" handling.

    Hur det började med mitt fruktansvärda psykiska tillstånd. Var att jag kände att jag skämde ut mig. Och skamkänslan tog kål på mig. Det började med att en av mina "offren" förväntade sig att jag skulle göra en uppgift. Jag klarade inte av det. Och jag bara blev pressad av henne. Jag skall inte ge detalj över hur det gick till.. För då blir denna inlägg längre än nödvändigt. Kanske kan skriva ner det sen.

    Jag stod ut med skamkänslan i ca tio månader.

    Innan jag gjorde denna "aggressiva" handlingen. Så byggde jag en rekvisita. Jag försökte samt visa att jag mådde dåligt på mer vänligare sätt. Men ingenting fungerade för att få bort skammen. För att få någon att bry sig om mig.

    Så jag gjorde detta hemska saken.

    Nu är jag anmäld och det kanske blir en rättegång. Men straffet är nog det minsta problemet. Det största är att jag kanske har förstör mitt liv. Jag kanske har fått en stämpel av samhället att jagar farlig, en skurk.

    Och vad händer efter livet. Tror ni att Gud skulle förstå mig? Eller Herren kanske förstår, men det är ingenting som Gud kanske bryr sig om.

    Tror in att jag skulle hamna i helvete?

    Jag har haft det svårt. Stryk i barndomen av psykiskt och fysiskt misshandel. Jag fick psykologisk misshandel utomhus. Jag blev mobbad i gymnasiet. Om jag inte hade fått dessa grejer. Så kanske inte skamkänslan hade varit kvar där så länge. Eller jag kanske inte hade fått skamkänsla överhuvudtaget?

    Så på sätt och vis är det andras fel att det blev såhär.

    Självklart försökte jag styra mig själv. Men med tiden vart det bara värre och värre. Jag kunde inte hjälpa mig. Jag ville bara visa att jag mådde dåligt. Jag ville bara få bort skamkänslan. . .

    Nu får jag bara ångest. Tänk om jag skulle hamna i helvete.

    Eller tror ni att Gud skulle låta mig gå in in paradiset med tanken på vad jag har råkat utför. Så många människor som tryckt ner mig och gjort mig illa. Så mycket smärta.

  • Svar på tråden Så himla rädd för att jag har syndat och kommer hamna i helvetet
  • Trent
    Solly skrev 2018-02-11 15:05:48 följande:

    Studera och meditera.

    Klart. Nästa steg?
  • Solly
    Trent skrev 2018-02-11 15:13:36 följande:

    Klart. Nästa steg?

    Fortsätt så tills du är klar med resten av Bibeln..
  • Trent
    Solly skrev 2018-02-11 15:21:21 följande:

    Fortsätt så tills du är klar med resten av Bibeln..

    Bibeln är läst sedan länge. Kort recension: Tokeri.
  • Solly

    Också från en god vän.

    The ateist

    The ateist:

    "Now I am not saying that the God of the Bible is evil or perverted, I am using the Christian argument, if they claim sex is bad then this means there God is perverted and evil for inventing sex in the first place. It is the Christian who is in-directly calling their God these evil things, not me.

    In case you missed the main perverted part, here it is:

    19) Yet she increased her whorings, remembering the days of her youth, when she played the whore in the land of Egypt 20) and lusted after her paramours there, whose members were like those of donkeys, and whose emission was like that of stallions

    Now I wonder what Christians have to say about this? Note the verse claims that a lady lusted after men who?s penises were the sizes of donkeys and who?s ejaculation ( when the sperm comes out) is like that of horses. I would really love to know what is the wisdom behind knowing the size of a men?s penises and how they ejaculate. Can any Christian go teach this to his or her children? I would love to see that. Imagine a parent trying to explain this to their kid. So if anything it is the Bible which contains perverted verses such as this one.

    I would love to see a Christian response to this verse although I know they wont; they are too ashamed of it which is why they never bring it up. In fact you tell a Christian about this they will say you are lying!"


    First of all, everything that God made was good and pure. Sex was a beautiful thing between Adam and Eve. Not only was it designed to produce children, but it was also a way for a couple to enjoy unique intimacy with each other.

    As with so many other things, once satan came to the earth and sin entered in, everything became defiled and perverted from what God had designed. This sex that was to be so beautiful and only between a husband and his wife and now become used in pornography, rape, child abuse, homosexuality and every other kind of perversion. That was not the work of God!

    The scriptures referenced are from the book of Ezekiel who was a prophet. This style of speaking is using imagery to describe a situation.

    The two women who are shown at the first of the chapter represent Samaria and Jerusalem they break their marriage vows to God by making alliances with other nations and accepting their false gods and are eventually avenged by their "lovers", which represents the Babylonians and the Chaldeans who attacked them..

  • Solly

    The ateist:

    "Just because you think Christians are not under Old Testament laws doesn't make it so:

    1. Jesus commanded his disciples to follow Leviticus! ("do not defraud")

    2. Jesus commanded his disciples to follow Deuteronomy (the Commandments)

    3. Jesus commanded his disciples follow Exodus (additional sets of Commandments)

    4. Jesus commanded his disciples follow GOD's COMMANDS which include all of the above!

    5. Jesus said anyone who does not follow God's Commands will be "The least"!

    6. JESUS confirmed God's Laws were perfect as they were!

    This is a law Jesus thought was perfect:

    God's rules for Sex Slaves:

    "When a man sells his daughter as a slave, she will not be freed at the end of six years as the men are. If she does not pleasure the man who bought her, he may allow her to be bought back again." - GOD (Exodus 21:7)

    Why did you choose such an awful religion?"


    First of all, I would answer someone as to why I follow this religion that I am not following a religion but the person of Jesus Christ. He is the Son of God and unlike leaders of other "religions", He is the only one to rise from the dead. He paid the price for all of my sins so that I am pronounced "not guilty" by God. Not because I'm good in any way, but because Jesus sacrificially, motivated by great love for me, paid the price for all of my sins. It was a debt I could not pay.

    There are a number of scriptures, particularly in the Old Testament, that are difficult to understand in our modern-day culture. The scripture this persson is referring to actually provides legal protection for women. It is assumed that a woman would be taken as a wife or concubine who had certain rights and privileges. The man would have her for his wife or his son's wife. If they did not want to give her those rights, the woman could be purchased back by her family, thereby giving her protection. Women have always been more protected by the one true God than any other religion.

  • Solly

    Mera från min gode vän..

    Love Letter Scripture:

    "Behold, I have engraved you on the palms of My hands." Isaiah 49:16 Just How Much God Loves You If you're anything like me (or most everyone else I know), you have no idea how much God loves you. He died for you, sacrificed His only Son, and would do it all over again. But even if you've heard it once, you need to hear it again. So if God wrote you a love l now a love letter, here's what it might sound like?

    Love Letter Dear Child of Mine, I saw you before you were born, and I destined you for a great purpose (Jeremiah 1:5). While your mom was pregnant with you, I personally designed you with incredible detail and precision (Psalm 139:13,14).

    From the getgo, I planned so many amazing things for you, you could never even count them if you tried (Psalm 40:5).

    But I knew in advance that you would go astray and forget me, so I asked My perfect Son Jesus to take your punishment Himself (Isaiah 53:5).

    He was willing to be humiliated and murdered so that you could be eternally healed (Isaiah 53:5).

    He loved you so much that He came down to earth to show you what I'm really like (John 14:7). When you first believed in Me, I immediately accepted you into My own family (John 1:12). I forgave all your sins through My Son Jesus (1 John 2:12).

    And now Jesus is in Heaven with Me, preparing a place for you (John 14:2). In fact, I am living inside of you because You believe in My Son (I John 4:15).

    I am forever committed to you; there is no circumstance under which I will leave you or take my love away from you (Hebrews 13:5; Romans 8:38).

    Even when you go through the hardest trials, I will be with you and carry you through them (Isaiah 43:2).

    In fact, I will cause EVERYTHING to work together for your good, because you have loved me back and I have a great purpose for you (Romans 8:28).

    Is there anything you need right now? Ask Me. I am your Good Father and I won't give you something bad in return (Matthew 7:11).

    Actually, I have My own Spirit readily available to you to help you in your weakest hour (Romans 8:26).

    I know you get tempted to lose faith, but even when you do, I will remain faithful to you (2 Timothy 2:13).

    I want you to ask Me for great things, because I want to answer you (John 16:23).

    Take a look up at the heavens; My love for you goes even higher than that (Psalm 108:4).).

    Don't lose heart: I want you to know that I am coming back for you (Revelation 22:12).

    And just remember: I AM LOVE (1 John 4:16).

    I am always patient, always kind. I'm never envious, proud or boastful. I'm not rude, and I only want the best for you. I don't get easily irritated with you or hold a grudge toward you. I am sad when you are hurt or wronged, but love when the truth prevails in your life. I will never stop being patient with you, never lose hope or give up on you. I WILL NEVER QUIT ON YOU (1 Corinthians 13:4-8). My love for you is everlasting (Jeremiah 31:3).

  • Trent
    Solly skrev 2018-02-11 16:22:38 följande:

    The ateist:

    "Just because you think Christians are not under Old Testament laws doesn't make it so:

    1. Jesus commanded his disciples to follow Leviticus! ("do not defraud")

    2. Jesus commanded his disciples to follow Deuteronomy (the Commandments)

    3. Jesus commanded his disciples follow Exodus (additional sets of Commandments)

    4. Jesus commanded his disciples follow GOD's COMMANDS which include all of the above!

    5. Jesus said anyone who does not follow God's Commands will be "The least"!

    6. JESUS confirmed God's Laws were perfect as they were!

    This is a law Jesus thought was perfect:

    God's rules for Sex Slaves:

    "When a man sells his daughter as a slave, she will not be freed at the end of six years as the men are. If she does not pleasure the man who bought her, he may allow her to be bought back again." - GOD (Exodus 21:7)

    Why did you choose such an awful religion?"


    First of all, I would answer someone as to why I follow this religion that I am not following a religion but the person of Jesus Christ. He is the Son of God and unlike leaders of other "religions", He is the only one to rise from the dead. He paid the price for all of my sins so that I am pronounced "not guilty" by God. Not because I'm good in any way, but because Jesus sacrificially, motivated by great love for me, paid the price for all of my sins. It was a debt I could not pay.

    There are a number of scriptures, particularly in the Old Testament, that are difficult to understand in our modern-day culture. The scripture this persson is referring to actually provides legal protection for women. It is assumed that a woman would be taken as a wife or concubine who had certain rights and privileges. The man would have her for his wife or his son's wife. If they did not want to give her those rights, the woman could be purchased back by her family, thereby giving her protection. Women have always been more protected by the one true God than any other religion.

    Tänker du att vi ska läsa detta? Jag gör det inte iaf. Argumentera med egna ord eller inte alls.
  • Solly

    Enligt mina vänner som är kristna säger att den här utmärkt att lyssna på medan du ber eller bara spela den. Varför? Jo, för att satans djävlar, demoner, och följare hatar den.

    De gör dem så förbannade att de skulle kunna äta sin egen skit.


  • oanonym
    Solly skrev 2018-02-11 17:38:21 följande:

    Enligt mina vänner som är kristna säger att den här utmärkt att lyssna på medan du ber eller bara spela den. Varför? Jo, för att satans djävlar, demoner, och följare hatar den.

    De gör dem så förbannade att de skulle kunna äta sin egen skit.


    Tror du på allt som folk säger?
  • Solly
    oanonym skrev 2018-02-11 17:44:08 följande:

    Tror du på allt som folk säger?

    Inte alla. Och du är en av dem.
Svar på tråden Så himla rädd för att jag har syndat och kommer hamna i helvetet