• 2barnsmorsan

    För tidig ägglossning för att kunna bli gravid?

    Maily skrev 2019-11-21 14:10:35 följande:

    Jag har börjat använda natural cycles och ser att appen tycker att min ägglossning är på dag 10. Har läst på internet att dag 11 och tidigare gör att man inte kan bli gravid för ägget släpper för tidigt, innan det hinner mogna. Men har också läst att vissa anser sig ha blivit gravida på dag 9-10 och att de haft ägglossning då. Hur ligger det till? 

    Och finns det något sätt att göra så ägget släpper senare förutom att stressa mindre...? Munkpeppar? 

    Ägget släpper ju först när det är moget så det borde inte vara något problem?! Äl på dag 10-16 räknas som normalt vad jag har sett.

    Men du får gärna länka det du har läst. Jag har nämligen också kort cykel och det vore intressant att veta om det är ett problem.
  • 2barnsmorsan
    Maily skrev 2019-11-21 16:33:10 följande:

    När brukar du ha ägglossning?

    Här är några av de saker som jag har läst... 

    "Any egg that is released less than day 11 of your menstrual cycle has the tendency to be a premature egg. What basically happens is that because the egg is released early it could be a poor quality egg. Poor quality egg have a difficult time getting fertilised or attaching themselves to the walls of the uterus. Therefore, a woman with a short follicular phase who is trying to get pregnant could be having difficulty getting pregnant. Doctors usually recommend fertility drugs to help with short follicular phase problems. Some natural fertility drugs such as vitex could as help to lengthen a woman's follicular phase."


    "Around day 7, the dominant follicle will tell the body to start producing more estrogen, and in a typical 28 day cycle, Estrogen is the dominant hormone from days 7 to 14 (or ovulation). It?s also the hormone responsible for changing your cervical mucus so that it can protect the sperm and allow it to travel to the egg and it?s responsible for creating a new layer of endometrium in the uterus (you must have a good endometrial lining for a fertilized egg to embed in otherwise a very early miscarriage happens ? so early you may not know you were pregnant).

    Ideally, you?ll want about 7 more days for the dominant follicle to continue growing and developing into an ?adult? egg that can be fertilized. If the egg is not developed enough before ovulation, it most likely will not be able to be fertilized ? and if, per chance, it is fertilized, there?s a good chance you won?t have enough, good, fertile type mucus to move sperm from the vagina up through the uterus to the fallopian tubes, so that it can reach the egg. On top of that, the endometrial lining would not be developed enough to support the life of a fertilized egg.

    I hope that helps you to understand better why ovulating on day 9, instead of closer to day 14, can keep a woman from conceiving."


    "So, track the day of your ovulation, and if it happens before day 11, it means that you have early ovulation. How will it affect your plan to have a baby?

    As we know, the time between the first day of menstruation and the ovulation is called the follicular phase. It is followed by the ovulation phase when your ovary releases an egg, and then by the luteal phase. Having early ovulation means that you have a short follicular phase. 

    Why does a short follicular phase hinder conception?

    To understand that, let?s recollect: what is happening in your body during the follicular phase. You start menstruating on the first day of your period, which means the endometrium (the lining of your uterus) starts to shed. In the meantime hormone FSH stimulates the growth of 5-20 follicles in your ovaries. In about 7 days, one dominant follicle stands out, while others die off. The dominant follicle then starts developing into an egg and produces the hormone estrogen. Estrogen rules in the second week or so of your cycle. Estrogen changes your cervical mucus: it becomes egg white stretchy so it can protect the sperm and facilitate its traveling to the egg. Estrogen is also in charge of building a new layer of endometrium in your uterus. You want to have a good endometrial lining developed because this is where a fertilized egg is going to embed and further develop.

    So what are the possible complexities of conception, when you ovulate early?

    Your dominant follicle may not have enough time to fully develop into a mature egg; such an egg has chances of not being able to get fertilized.

    With early ovulation, there?s a possibility that you won?t have enough fertile-type mucus. The absence of the right mucus deters sperm from a smooth traveling (from the vagina up through the uterus to the fallopian tubes where it meets the egg).Endometrial lining of your uterus may not be developed well enough to support the life of a fertilized egg, so there?s a risk of miscarriage."

    Kan du lägga in länkar till sidorna så att jag kan läsa all info där istället för några utklipp tack!
  • 2barnsmorsan
    Maily skrev 2019-11-21 16:40:15 följande:

    Jag sökte på google på "early ovulation fertility problem" och så är det typ de första 3-4 länkarna...

    Ja men du har ju redan hittat dem så kopiera bara sidornas adress och klistra in i en kommentar så hittar jag direkt.
Svar på tråden För tidig ägglossning för att kunna bli gravid?